FSLGRA 2019 and 2020
Thank you to all who participated in this year's FSL Global Read Aloud. We hope that you found it a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for you and your students. We've enjoyed seeing the connections and activities you have shared with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. From scratch coding activities, Mystery hangouts, author questions (Merci Annie Bacon!) to break outs, quizizz and artistic opportunities we loved seeing how you and your students connected to and engaged with this year's French books.
We revisited Petite Petra to find verbs, adjectives and nouns. Ss are making strong connections between learning in English and French. We know what an adjective is, so we also know that "les adjectifs" describe or modify a noun ("un nom"). #FRIMM #FSLGRA #FSLGRAmoyen #grade4 pic.twitter.com/TCq091QmQk— Krystine Desrosiers (@MmeKrystine) October 17, 2019
10/10 MS: J'aime la fille parce qu'elle a mis les livres en paiement de la nourriture. Elle est une bonne personne. Si elle ne payait pas, la considéreriez-vous comme une voleuse ? #FSLGRA #FSLGRAint— Ashley Boivin (@BoivinAshley) October 16, 2019
Marivière inspired us to do a schoolyard cleanup! 🗑 We also designed posters and put them up around the school to remind our school community to clean up after themselves. @CBNUpdate #fslgra #fslgraprimaire #eipsreads pic.twitter.com/jrPKz3shGf— Mme Aasen (@laclasse2a) October 28, 2019
Today, Grade 4s painted rocks like in Petite Petra by @MariannaCoppo as part of the #fslgra. #ocsbfsl #lukocsb #fslgramoyen pic.twitter.com/5CP1zEFa5H— Mme Nolan-Tam (@MmeKNT) October 8, 2019
Nous avons fait un « remue-méninges » aujourd’hui avec des napperons pour penser à des mots (adjectifs, verbes, noms) qui nous décrivent — ✏️ Voici nos idées! @EliseGravel #FSLGRA #FSLGRAprimaire #frimm pic.twitter.com/QtvPsau3zX— Mme Amaral (@MmeAmaral) October 10, 2019
On se demande 🤔 Que pourrait être la petite Pétra? On a beaucoup d’idées! #fslgra #frimm @MariannaCoppo pic.twitter.com/zrpzb9HH7B— Dana Bergevin (@MmeBergevin) October 31, 2019
Students figured out (on their own!) how to make Spheros "talk" en français & had "Sphero-Astride" narrate her travels. #fslgra #FSLGRAint #PeelEML Another group decided to make it flash as it arrived at each stop along the way! #OwningTheirLearning pic.twitter.com/qHHuNbrTqe— Mme Tammy Aiello (@madameaiello) November 13, 2019
As we wrap up this year's read aloud we invite you to fill out a survey so that we can continue to make the Read Aloud a positive experience for all who participate. bit.ly/FSLGRA19feedback
We are also looking ahead to 2020. Our start date will be October 19, 2020! In preparation, we need book suggestions. The nomination link will remain open until the end of March for all of your suggestions. Voting will begin in Mid-April.
You can also now register for FSLGRA 2020. We will send periodic emails to those who register. This year we are just doing 1 registration to simplify the process. If any changes are needed once you have registered all you need to do is respond to the email you will receive upon registration to inform the organizer.
Finally, I personally would like to thank Tammy, Laura and Renée who volunteered their time and helped organize and lead sections of the Read Aloud. I appreciate the time you gave to make the FSLGRA successful.
We look forward to reading with you again in October!
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