Livres choisis et notez la date (2022)
(Le français suit.) Here are the winning books for the fifth annual edition of the French as a Second language Global Read Aloud (or #FSLGRA)! Save the date - we will begin reading aloud to and with our French students this fall on October 17, 2022. Collaborative planning can begin whenever people are ready to start thinking about that! The selected novel for our Junior Immersion or Intermediate/Senior Core French students to enjoy this coming fall is Nish: Le Nord et le Sud written by Isabelle Picard. Our three selected storybooks for the Cycle Moyen level are: Mon livre préféré dans tout l'univers (M. Mitchell) Des bisous au coin des yeux (J. Ho) Manchots au chaud (A. Poulin) And for our youngest or beginning readers in French, the three picture books selected by vote are: Une pierre dans l'univer s (B. Wenzel) Bien dans ta peau (F. Manushkin) Tout le monde (E. Gravel) Voici les trois albums choisis pour nos élèves parmi les livres nommés, pour les deux niveaux élémentai...