Book Nominations Now Open for Fall 2021
What a strange and stressful school year 2020-21 has been! We know that the FSL Global Read Aloud has definitely looked a little different this year, and we of course don't know yet what the future holds, but we do have permission to continue in a form that works. Stay tuned for another post with some suggestions for making it work during a pandemic or while continuing blended or virtual teaching. In fact, why not submit your ideas here, if you'd like them included in that post ? We will credit you, of course! The form to nominate books - at any level that will be appropriate for our FSL readers - is now open for your suggestions for a voting shortlist to be shared in May - with final book selections to be finalized then as well, to hopefully allow for school purchasing of at least one copy (i.e. for your library or shared book room) before school is out for the summer - or as soon as you're back for those on a different schedule than we are! French teachers from kindergar...