2024 Winning Books | Livres gagnants de 2024

Drum roll, please! (la version française suit) Our vote closed at midnight last night, even though I was sound asleep. The individuals who voted multiple times - and after the deadline - were eliminated from our final count. Here are our winners for this fall's 7th annual FSLGRA. Novel - La fin du monde est pour demain - André Marois Chapter Book/Graphic Novel - Mina et sa bête - Caroline Merola Junior Story Books Wowgwis de la tête aux pieds - Rebecca Thomas (translated) La comète - Joe Todd-Stanton (translated) Éli Labaki et les gouttes de pluie - Diya Lim Primary Story Books Si tu pleures comme une fontaine - Noemi Vola Les aventures de Coralie la coccinelle - Le voyage dans l’espace - Céleste Kurcz Le gros problème de Noah - Anthony Antoniou Save the date for October 21, 2024 . That's when we'll begin our read aloud and accompanying activities. Teachers who plan to participate are welcome to begin their planning any time over the summer or early in the ...